

A story written by Computer Three. References to Masks are made throughout Heroes of the Past so check out the preview of it right here. This preview takes excerpts from the draft and should not be considered the full version. A full version may or may not be released depending on a multitude of factors.

Synopsis: Vigilantes and heroes often don masks, hiding their true identity. Yet, these masks embolden and empower them, allowing the person underneath the mask to live out an entirely different life. If a everyday citizen were allowed to wear such a mask, would they fall prey to their own desires or utilize it for the greater good? The Masquerade, a battleground full of masked individuals, provides such answers. Witness the battles between those in masks, from gods themselves to your run of the mill student. 

Preview PDF: Masks Preview (Unedited)

Preview Chapters: 

A Chance Encounter


Her Past

A Slight Thaw


The Masquerade

Sparring Practice

*Disclaimer: Masks as a draft often goes off and on hiatus so a complete collection is unlikely. Scattered updates may be posted depending on the whim of the writer. However, if you are curious about the connection between the two, check it out and leave useful criticism.


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